Bringing Awareness into Our Creative Lives

By: Dr. Joyce Hsu

This is the time of the semester where everyone is swamped by multiple responsibilities – marching band, rehearsals for various ensembles, competitions, sports games, project deadlines, and mid-term exams...and you haven't been able to really rest or catch up with life, for weeks! You might feel burn-out or start to question why you are pursuing music to begin with. Well, you are not alone. We all feel such stress at times, and I am here to help you with a few thoughts that might get you through this challenging period. Our physical status can influence our mental faculties, more than we think, and vice versa. There is always time to pay attention with full awareness of our mind, body, and soul.

Photographer Credit: Tif Homes

As an individual, we have multiple roles to play in our lives: at home, at work, in school, or whatever we need to do to maintain the life we have; it is no easy job. Every day, we go out into the world to perform and try to do good. But, how often do we check in with ourselves and listen to our inner voices? Even when we have time, we might be too tired to think about these things. We tend to ignore the signals that our body and mind send us to keep ourselves going. This happens quite often, because somehow, we believe that we don't have any other options, and it ends up costing us more time and energy. However, that is not really true. We do have options, and we should allow ourselves to make the decisions that will benefit us in the long run. Have you ever felt like you didn't get any rest after a vacation? Or were even more tired after one? It is not the "act" of the rest that rejuvenates you; it is the mindful moments that count. By returning to being mindful and aware, we can "take a break and recover" anywhere we are. This way of being will allow us to see things with a clearer perspective...which can be a big help during this time of the year!

The first step to practice in being mindful, may be to simply start paying attention to the breath. This practice can take place in the midst of anything we do: after all, we simply can't live without breathing. By paying attention, perhaps especially at stressful moments, you might begin to notice some differences in breathing during various activities – driving, teaching, performing, and so on. When we remember to return our attention to breathing, it can help us calm the "monkey mind"—that little chattering voice in our head that continually reminds us that there are a million things going on. Attention to the breath gives breathing a purpose and serves as a mini meditation: a kind of oasis of calm and reflection in the midst of distraction and stress.

Photographer Credit: Tif Homes

As a trombonist and an educator, one of the practices I use the most for myself and my students is just this: attention to breathing. Deep breathing can slow down our heart rate, bringing more oxygen into our bloodstream, which in-turn allows us to focus and think more clearly. Try this breathing exercise, which I use quite often. Simply breathe in slowly for three counts, gently hold the breath for three counts, and then breathe out slowly for three counts. Repeat this procedure three times or as many times as you need.

We should remember, however, that bringing true awareness into our lives requires honesty and acceptance. I am not suggesting being overly obsessive regarding your actions or thoughts, or giving up on effort and improvement. But it is essential just to simply acknowledge when times are hard. Mindful awareness serves as a mirror. If your honest self-reflection says it is time to take a break, then it is OKAY to take a break— even from doing what you love, from time to time. We must know how we function and reflect honestly upon what works the best for us. If you are the type of person who needs a lot of sleep, then put down your phone and go to bed. Some might feel most rested after exercise, reading a book, listening to music, or simply by being alone. This might sound simple, but in-fact, it is a crucial realization: if you can get things done in a simple way (practicing your instrument/voice very much included), then that is what you want and need to do. Sleep, exercise, seeking nutritious food, reading music with friends, listening to your favorite records: all these things can help recover your overly worked body and mind, and they will remind you why you chose to be involved in music in the first place.

Photographer Credit: Tif Homes

Build your own support system by knowing how you function and be someone's support system when they need it. Being kind, generous, and supportive of others is something you can do for yourself, as well. Do not give up, because we are all in this together!

Additional Resource:

Music Body Mind Website - website by Amelia Rosenberger is a trombonist who teaches yoga and is based in Dallas, TX.

Dr. Joyce Hsu is an in-demand trombonist, clinician, and educator. A native of Taiwan, she earned her BFA from the National Taiwan University of Arts, her Master's Degree from Oklahoma State, and her Doctor of Musical Arts from Texas Tech University. She is now based in Dallas and was an El Paso Jazz Girls' teaching artist this past summer.

**All photos courtesy of Tif Holmes who in addition to being a wonderful photographer holds a DMA in Flute Performance! More from Tif Holmes can be found at the below links:


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